You fill up my senses...

That other time that I blogged about breaking up with someone. It doesn't really mean anything now.
I have a boyfriend. For the first time since my senior year of high school. It's weird.
When I'm with them, I feel so good. And I feel like they're the real deal. Like I should have no reason to feel anything but totally wrapped up in good feelings...
He's smart. Like book smart like he has a giant head, but he's also full of wisdom. Like he just understands life and knows where he's going. He's funny. He gets my humor, doesn't think I'm weird, and makes me laugh too. He's nice. He makes me food and he is one helluvah cook. Holy delicious. And he gives me the bottom of his ice cream cone. The best part. And he tells me I'm beautiful. He's responsible but loves going places and having fun.
He's great.
So I should be so happy. And I am! But somehow...sometimes...I just feel like there is something missing. And I can't put my finger on it. And I don't know what to do because I should be more excited about the whole deal. Right?


Unknown said…

that means he's not good enough.

did i ever respond to your facebook message? i though i did. maybe i'll check...
Natalie Jane said…
I haven't read this post yet. I just wanted to say, hey nice john denver title of a song you go there.
Natalie Jane said…
Then I just read it and thought, ooo 2 comments. I wonder what those say...

I'ma fool

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